套利 Arbitrage


  • 商品市场:同一资产在两个不同的市场上进行交易,但各个市场上的交易价格不同,如果没有其他约束,就存在套利机会。
    • 商品市场套利策略:低买高卖
  • 金融市场:两项金融产品A,B,在期末有相同的现金流(称为互相复制),如果在期初的价格不同,就有套利机会。
    • 金融市场套利策略:高卖低买



  • 复制:如果产品A和产品B未来的现金流状态完全相同,称A和B互相复制。



《An Elementary Introduction to Mathematical Finance》

  • Chapter 5 Pricing Contracts via Arbitrage
  • Chapter 6 The Arbitrage Theorem

《The Mathematics for Finance: Modeling and Hedging》

  • Chapter 2 Binomial Trees, Replicating Portfolios, and Arbitrage

期权定价的二叉树模型 Binomial Tree





假设一个无红利支付的股票,当前时刻 t 的价值是 \(S_t\) ,期末时刻 T 的价值是 \(S_T\) 。有两种市场状态,即 \(S_T\) 只可能取到两个值: \(S_T=uS_0,u>1\) 或者 \(S_T=dS_0,d<1\) 。设无风险连续年利率利率为 \(r\)

则容易得到 \[ d<e^{r(T-t)}<u \]

证明:不等式均乘以 \(S_t\) ,看作债券并获取套利。



\[ \displaylines{f=e^{-r(T-t)}[pf_u+(1-p)f_d] \\ p=\frac{e^{r(T-t)}-d}{u-d}} \]


构造一个由 \(\Delta\) 股股票多头和一个期权空头组成的资产组合,并计算出该组合为无风险资产组合时的Δ值 \[ \Delta=\frac{f_u-f_d}{u*S_t-d*S_t} \]

其中 \(f_{u},f_{d}\) 分别为期权在股票上涨和下跌时的价值。上式的 \(\Delta\) 通常称为套期保值比例。

该无风险组合现值为 \((u*S_t*\Delta-f_u)e^{r(T-t)}\) ,与构造该组合的成本 \(S_t*\Delta-f\) 相等。




风险中性定价方法:Risk Neutral Valuation

两期二叉树模型 / 多期二叉树模型




股票的波动率为\(\sigma\),由此可以设,当\(\text{Δt}\)很小时: \[ u = e^{\sigma\sqrt{T/N}},d = 1/u = e^{- \sigma\sqrt{\text{Δt}}},\Delta t = T/N \]


期权二叉树定价 Using Python

Source:《Python for Finance》1st Edition

  • Chapter 8 5.2 Binomial Option Pricing
# model & option Parameters 参数化
S0 = 100. # initial index level
T = 1. # call option maturity
r = 0.05 # constant short rate
vola = 0.20 # constant volatility factor of diffusion

# time parameters
M = 1000 # time steps
dt = T / M # length of time interval
df = exp(-r * dt) # discount factor per time interval

# binomial parameters
u = exp(vola * sqrt(dt)) # up-movement
d = 1 / u # down-movement
q = (exp(r * dt) - d) / (u - d) # martingale probability

import numpy as np
def binomial_py(strike):
''' Binomial option pricing via looping.

strike : float
strike price of the European call option
# LOOP 1 - Index Levels
S = np.zeros((M + 1, M + 1), dtype=np.float64)
# index level array
S[0, 0] = S0
z1 = 0
for j in range(1, M + 1, 1):
z1 = z1 + 1
for i in range(z1 + 1):
S[i, j] = S[0, 0] * (u ** j) * (d ** (i * 2))

# LOOP 2 - Inner Values
iv = np.zeros((M + 1, M + 1), dtype=np.float64)
# inner value array
z2 = 0
for j in range(0, M + 1, 1):
for i in range(z2 + 1):
iv[i, j] = max(S[i, j] - strike, 0)
z2 = z2 + 1

# LOOP 3 - Valuation
pv = np.zeros((M + 1, M + 1), dtype=np.float64)
# present value array
pv[:, M] = iv[:, M] # initialize last time point
z3 = M + 1
for j in range(M - 1, -1, -1):
z3 = z3 - 1
for i in range(z3):
pv[i, j] = (q * pv[i, j + 1] +
(1 - q) * pv[i + 1, j + 1]) * df
return pv[0, 0]

%time round(binomial_py(100), 3) #计算European Call Option现值,保留三位小数,并给出时间

CPU times: user 1.58 s, sys: 30 ms, total: 1.61 s
Wall time: 1.64 s
def binomial_np(strike):
''' Binomial option pricing with NumPy.

strike : float
strike price of the European call option
# Index Levels with NumPy
mu = np.arange(M + 1)
mu = np.resize(mu, (M + 1, M + 1))
md = np.transpose(mu)
mu = u ** (mu - md)
md = d ** md
S = S0 * mu * md

# Valuation Loop
pv = np.maximum(S - strike, 0)

z = 0
for t in range(M - 1, -1, -1): # backwards iteration
pv[0:M - z, t] = (q * pv[0:M - z, t + 1]
+ (1 - q) * pv[1:M - z + 1, t + 1]) * df
z += 1
return pv[0, 0]

M = 4 # four time steps only
mu = np.arange(M + 1)

mu = np.resize(mu, (M + 1, M + 1))

md = np.transpose(mu)

mu = u ** (mu - md)
array([[ 1. , 1.006, 1.013, 1.019, 1.026],
[ 0.994, 1. , 1.006, 1.013, 1.019],
[ 0.987, 0.994, 1. , 1.006, 1.013],
[ 0.981, 0.987, 0.994, 1. , 1.006],
[ 0.975, 0.981, 0.987, 0.994, 1. ]])

md = d ** md
array([[ 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ],
[ 0.994, 0.994, 0.994, 0.994, 0.994],
[ 0.987, 0.987, 0.987, 0.987, 0.987],
[ 0.981, 0.981, 0.981, 0.981, 0.981],
[ 0.975, 0.975, 0.975, 0.975, 0.975]])

S = S0 * mu * md
array([[ 100. , 100.634, 101.273, 101.915, 102.562],
[ 98.743, 99.37 , 100. , 100.634, 101.273],
[ 97.502, 98.121, 98.743, 99.37 , 100. ],
[ 96.276, 96.887, 97.502, 98.121, 98.743],
[ 95.066, 95.669, 96.276, 96.887, 97.502]])
# 这之中只有上三角矩阵matter.
# Although we do more calculations with this approach than are needed in principle, the approach is, as expected, much faster than the first version, which relies heavily on nested loops on the Python level:

M = 1000 # reset number of time steps
%time round(binomial_np(100), 3)
CPU times: user 91.5 ms, sys: 15.2 ms, total: 107 ms
Wall time: 106 ms


《数理金融》(Paul Wilmott)

  • Chapter 15 二叉树模型

《Options, Futures and Other Derivatives》

  • Chapter 12 Binomial Trees
    • 建议与DerivaGem使用:http://www-2.rotman.utoronto.ca/~hull/software/index.html
  • Chapter 20 Basic Numerical Procedures

《The Mathematics of Finance: Modeling and Hedging》

  • Chapter 2 Binomial Trees, Replicating Portfolios, and Arbitrage
  • Chapter 3 Tree Models for Stock and Options
  • Chapter 4 Using Spread Sheets to Compute Stock and Options
    • Excel表制作二叉树,给出波动率的情况下可以使用Hull的DerivaGem
    • No-Dividend Binomial Trees: https://accelerator086.github.io/accelerator086-Blogs-Books/No-Dividend Binomial Trees.xlsx

《Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance》

  • Chapter 2 Binomial Model

FRM《4 Valuation and Risk Models》

  • Chapter 14 Binomial Trees

《Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives》

  • Chapter 6 Numerical Schemes for Pricing Options